2023-12-03 21:04:30 +01:00

475 lines
19 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

import serial
import time
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import filedialog as fd
import os
import threading
import grbl_gcode_send
import grbl_stream
grbl = 0
port = None
i = 10
gcode_to_stream = []
countbuf = 0
writebuffer_byPass = []
writebuffer = []
readbuffer = []
AXIS = 'X'
states = {'M3':'0', 'M8':'0', 'M6':'0', 'G10': '0'} #Spindle, Coolant, Toolchange
dict_GCODE = {'G':'0',
#GUI Main
buttonsize_x = 5
buttonsize_y = 3
increments = 0
freetosend = 1
#GUI Color Scheme
attention = 'red'
loaded = 'green'
cooling = 'blue'
toolchange = 'yellow'
standard = '#17223B'
feed = '#283B67'
def grblConnect2():
global grbl
global port
#Serial Connection
for device in locations:
#print([comport.device for comport in])
print ("Trying...",device)
grbl = serial.Serial(port= device, baudrate= 115200, timeout =.5) #dsrdtr= True)
port = device
time.sleep(2) # Wait for grbl to initialize
grbl.flushInput() # Flush startup text in serial input
connect_ser.config(bg= loaded)
#print ("Failed to connect on",device)
grbl = 0
# Stream g-code to grbl
#Stream GCODE from -
def jogWrite(AXIS, CMD, scale): #Schreiben von manuellen Positionierungsbefehlen
global freetosend
DECIMAL = [0.1,1,10,100]
scale = increments.get()
MOVE = int(CMD) * DECIMAL[scale -1]
grbl_command = ('$J=G91' + 'G21' + AXIS + str(MOVE)+ 'F1000')
#print(grbl_command) $J=G91G21X10F185
grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command)
def switchButtonState(button): #Umschalter für Knopfstatus
if button["state"] == DISABLED:
button["state"] = NORMAL
button["state"] = DISABLED
def directWrite(CMD): #Direktes schreiben eines Befehls
global freetosend
grbl_command = CMD
grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command)
def latchWrite(CMD):
global states
global freetosend
if states[CMD] == '0':
states[CMD] = '1'
if CMD == 'M3':
spindle.config(bg= attention) #A31621
if CMD == 'M6':
tool.config(bg = toolchange)#E0CA3C
if CMD == 'G10':
zero_all.config(bg = loaded)
states[CMD] ='0'
if CMD == 'M3':
if CMD == 'M6':
#if CMD == 'G10':
# zero_all.config(bg= attention)
if CMD == 'M3':
if states['M3'] == '1':
grbl_command = 'M3 S1000'
grbl_command = 'M3 S0'
elif CMD == 'M8':
if states['M8'] == '1':
grbl_command = (CMD)
coolant.config(bg = cooling)#1F7A8C
grbl_command = 'M9'
coolant.config(bg ='grey')
elif CMD == 'G10':
grbl_command = 'G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0'
grbl_command = (CMD)
#grbl_command = (CMD * int(states[CMD]) )
grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command)
def terminalWrite(): #Holt Zeichenstring von Editfeld und sendet es
grbl_command = terminal.get()
grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command)
def infoScreen(data): #Anzeigecanvas für GRBL Rückmeldungen
global i
terminalFrame = Frame(terminal_recv, bg = 'white')
terminal_recv.create_window(10,i, window = terminalFrame, anchor = 'nw')
Label(terminalFrame, text = data, font = ('Calibri',10), bg ='white', fg ='black').pack()
i += 22
if i >=400:
def openGCODE(): #Dialog zur Gcode Auswahl und öffnen der Datei als GCODE Objekt
global gcode_to_stream
filetypes = (('GCODE', '*.nc'),('All files', '*.*'))
GCODE = fd.askopenfile(title='Open a file', initialdir='/home/thomas/Nextcloud/CAM/', filetypes=filetypes)
if GCODE != 0:
fopen.config(bg= loaded)
extracted = extract_GCODE(GCODE)
gcode_to_stream = GCODE
fopen.config(bg = 'grey')
#build_xy = findEnvelope() #Aufruf PLatz im Bauraum
#mill_table.create_rectangle(build_xy[0],build_xy[1], fill = 'blue', stipple = 'gray75') # Zeichnen des Objekts im Bauraum
def extract_GCODE(gcode: list): #Aufschlüsseln der enthaltenen Koordinaten in ein per Schlüssel zugängiges Dictionary
list_dict_GCODE = []
for line in gcode:
l = line.split() #Elemente trennen und in Liste konvertieren
for i in range(0,len(l)):
#print (l)
if 'G' in l[i]:
dict_GCODE['G'] = l[i].replace('G','') #Wert einfügen und gleichzeitig G CODE befehl entfernen
if 'X' in l[i]:
dict_GCODE['X'] = l[i].replace('X','')
if 'Y' in l[i]:
dict_GCODE['Y'] = l[i] .replace('Y','')
if 'Z' in l[i]:
dict_GCODE['Z'] = l[i].replace('Z','')
if 'I' in l[i] and not 'ZMIN':
dict_GCODE['I'] = l[i].replace('I','')
if 'J' in l[i]:
dict_GCODE['J'] = l[i].replace('J','')
if 'F' in l[i] and not 'Fusion':
dict_GCODE['F'] = l[i].replace('F','')
list_dict_GCODE.append(dict_GCODE.copy()) #Copy notwendig da es sich nur um einen "Pointer" handelt der immer auf die zuletzt aktualisierte dict Zeile zeigt.
return list_dict_GCODE
def draw_GCODE(glist): #Zeichnen des GCodes zur Beurteilung des Bauraums
for i in range(0,len(glist)-1):
x_y_current = 50 + float(glist[i]['X']), 350 - float(glist[i]['Y'])
x_y_next = 50 + float(glist[i+1]['X']), 350 - float(glist[i+1]['Y'])
mill_table.create_line(x_y_current, x_y_next)
def writeToFileLog(log): #Log für Debugzwecke
with open("log.txt", 'a') as out:
def displayPosition_request(grbl_pos):
if grbl != 0 :
position = str(grbl_pos)
#print (readbuffer)
position = position.replace('Idle|', ',')
position = position.replace('Run|', ',')
position = position.replace('WPos:', '')
position = position.replace('MPos:', '')
position = position.replace('>', ',')
position = position.replace('|', ',')
coordinates_list = position.split(',')
show_ctrl_x.config(text = coordinates_list[1])
show_ctrl_y.config(text = coordinates_list[2])
show_ctrl_z.config(text = coordinates_list[3])
mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1],coordinates_list[2],coordinates_list[1],coordinates_list[2]+50, arrow = FIRST )
#show_ctrl_x_w.config(text = coordinates_list[4])
#show_ctrl_y_w.config(text = coordinates_list[5])
#show_ctrl_z_w.config(text = coordinates_list[6])
print("Serial Busy")
def displayPosition():
global readbuffer
if grbl != 0 :
position = str(readbuffer[2])
#print (readbuffer)
position = position.replace('Idle|', ',')
position = position.replace('Run|', ',')
position = position.replace('WPos:', '')
position = position.replace('MPos:', '')
position = position.replace('>', ',')
position = position.replace('|', ',')
coordinates_list = position.split(',')
show_ctrl_x.config(text = coordinates_list[1])
show_ctrl_y.config(text = coordinates_list[2])
show_ctrl_z.config(text = coordinates_list[3])
mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1],coordinates_list[2],coordinates_list[1]+10,coordinates_list[2]+20 )
mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1],coordinates_list[2],coordinates_list[1]-10,coordinates_list[2]+20 )
mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1]-10,coordinates_list[2]+20,coordinates_list[1]+10,coordinates_list[2]+20 )
#show_ctrl_x_w.config(text = coordinates_list[4])
#show_ctrl_y_w.config(text = coordinates_list[5])
#show_ctrl_z_w.config(text = coordinates_list[6])
print("Serial Busy")
def grblWrite():
if gcode_to_stream != None:
print("Stream", gcode_to_stream)
grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, gcode_to_stream)
#fdbk = grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, line)
def grblClose():
# Close file and serial port
print("Connection still open")
root = Tk()
root.attributes('-fullscreen', False)
root.tk_setPalette(background='#11192C', foreground='white',activeBackground='#283867', activeForeground='white' )
increments = IntVar()
movement = Frame(root, relief = 'ridge', bd = BORDER)
left = Button(root, text="-X", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:jogWrite('X', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
right = Button(root, text="+X",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('X', '1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
up = Button(root, text="+Y", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Y', '1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
down = Button(root, text="-Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Y', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
z_up = Button(root, text="+Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Z', '1', increments) ,bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
z_down = Button(root, text="-Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Z', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
zero_x = Button(root, text="zero X",width = buttonsize_x, height = 1, command = lambda:directWrite('G10 P0 L20 X0'),bd = BORDER)
zero_y = Button(root, text="zero Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = 1, command = lambda:directWrite('G10 P0 L20 Y0'),bd = BORDER)
zero_z = Button(root, text="zero Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = 1, command = lambda:directWrite('G10 P0 L20 Z0'),bd = BORDER)
zero_all=Button(root, text="zeroAll",width = buttonsize_x, height = 3, command = lambda:latchWrite('G10'),bd = BORDER, bg= 'magenta')
setzero =Button(root, text="SetPOS",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:directWrite('G28.1'),bd = BORDER)
gozero =Button(root, text="GoPOS",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:directWrite('G28'),bd = BORDER)
connect_ser = Button(root, text="Cnnct",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = grblConnect2, bg = 'grey',bd = BORDER)
discon_ser = Button(root, text="Dsconct",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:grblClose(),bd = BORDER)
unlock = Button(root, text="Unlock",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:directWrite('$X'),bd = BORDER)
start = Button(root, text="START",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = attention, command = lambda: threading.Thread(target = grblWrite).start(),bd = BORDER)
stop = Button(root, text="STOP",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,bd = BORDER, command = lambda: directWrite('') )
pause = Button(root, text="PAUSE",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = cooling,bd = BORDER,command = lambda: directWrite('!') )
resume = Button(root, text="RESUME",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,bd = BORDER,command = lambda: directWrite('~'))
fopen = Button(root, text="GCODE",width = buttonsize_x , height = buttonsize_y, bg = 'grey',fg = 'black', command = openGCODE,bd = BORDER)
spindle = Button(root, text="Spindle",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:latchWrite('M3'))
coolant = Button(root, text="Coolant",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:latchWrite('M8') )
tool = Button(root, text="Tool",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:latchWrite('M6') )
macro = Button(root, text="Macro1",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(' G91 G0 X10 Y10 Z50 F1000') )
inc1 = Button(root, text="Inc 1%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(''),bg= feed)
inc10 = Button(root,text="Inc 10%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(''),bg= feed )
dec1 = Button(root, text="Dec 1%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(''),bg= feed )
dec10 = Button(root,text="Dec 10%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(''),bg= feed )
reset = Button(root,text="<RESET",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(''),bg= 'grey' )
reboot= Button(root,text="REBOOT",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda: os.system('reboot'),bg= 'grey' )
step_incr1 = Radiobutton(root, text= '0,1', value = 1 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
step_incr2 = Radiobutton(root, text= '1', value = 2 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
step_incr3 = Radiobutton(root, text= '10', value = 3 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
step_incr4 = Radiobutton(root, text= '100', value = 4 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
terminal = Entry(root, width =8, text="GCODE")
terminal_send = Button(root, text="SEND",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bd= 3, command = lambda: terminalWrite())
terminal_recv = Canvas(root, width = 200, height =400, bg = 'white')
show_ctrl_x_label = Label(root,text = "X")
show_ctrl_y_label = Label(root,text = "Y")
show_ctrl_z_label = Label(root,text = "Z")
show_ctrl_x =Label(root, text = "X_POS", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_y =Label(root, text = "Y_POS", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_z =Label(root, text = "Z_POS", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_x_w =Label(root, text = "X_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_y_w =Label(root, text = "Y_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_z_w =Label(root, text = "Z_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
#feed_control = Scale(root, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 400, label = "Feedrate",tickinterval = 20)
#Milling Area and Gcode preview with grid generation
mill_table= Canvas(root, width= 400, height = 400, bg = 'grey')
mill_table.create_rectangle(50,50,350,350, fill ='white')
mill_table.create_text(200,25,text = 'Fräsbereich 300mm x 300mm')
for x in range(50,350,50):
mill_table.create_text(x,400- x, text = x-50)
for x in range(0,400,50):
for y in range(0,400,50):
gitter_x = mill_table.create_line(x,0,x,400)
gitter_y = mill_table.create_line(0,y,400,y)
movement.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 3, rowspan = 1)
left.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=3, pady=2)
right.grid(row=1, column=2,padx=3, pady=2)
up.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=3, pady=10)
down.grid(row=1, column=1,padx=3, pady=2)
z_up.grid(row=0, column=3,padx=10, pady=10)
z_down.grid(row=1, column=3,padx=10, pady=2)
step_incr1.grid(row=2, column=0,padx=3, pady=10)
step_incr2.grid(row=2, column=1,padx=3, pady=10)
step_incr3.grid(row=2, column=2,padx=3, pady=10)
step_incr4.grid(row=2, column=3,padx=3, pady=10)
show_ctrl_x_label.grid(row=3, column=0,padx=3, pady=10)
show_ctrl_y_label.grid(row=4, column=0,padx=3, pady=10)
show_ctrl_z_label.grid(row=5, column=0,padx=3, pady=10)
show_ctrl_x.grid(row=3, column=1,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_y.grid(row=4, column=1,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_z.grid(row=5, column=1,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_x_w.grid(row=3, column=2,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_y_w.grid(row=4, column=2,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_z_w.grid(row=5, column=2,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
zero_x.grid(row=3, column=3)
zero_y.grid(row=4, column=3)
zero_z.grid(row=5, column=3)
zero_all.grid(row=6, column=3,padx=10, pady=10)
setzero.grid(row=6, column=0,padx=10, pady=10)
gozero.grid(row=6, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
connect_ser.grid(row=7, column=0,padx=10, pady=10)
discon_ser.grid(row=7, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
unlock.grid(row=8, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
start.grid(row=7, column=2,padx=10, pady=10)
stop.grid(row=7, column=3,padx=10, pady=10)
pause.grid(row=8, column=2,padx=10, pady=10)
resume.grid(row=8, column=3,padx=10, pady=10)
fopen.grid(row=8, column=0,padx=10, pady=10)
spindle.grid(row=7, column=4,padx=1, pady=10)
coolant.grid(row=7, column=5,padx=1, pady=10)
tool.grid(row=7, column=6,padx=1, pady=10)
macro.grid(row=7, column=7,padx=1, pady=10)
dec10.grid(row=8, column=4,padx=1, pady=10)
dec1.grid(row=8, column=5,padx=1, pady=10)
inc1.grid(row=8, column=6,padx=1, pady=10)
inc10.grid(row=8, column=7,padx=1, pady=10)
reset.grid(row=8, column=8,padx=1, pady=10)
reboot.grid(row=8, column=9,padx=1, pady=10)
terminal.grid(row = 7, column = 8, padx =2, pady =10)
terminal_send.grid(row = 7, column = 9, padx =2, pady =10)
terminal_recv.grid(row = 0, column = 8, padx =10, pady =10,rowspan = 7, columnspan =2)
#feed_control.grid(row = 8, column = 4, columnspan =4)
mill_table.grid(row=0, column=4,padx=10, pady=10,columnspan = 4, rowspan = 7)
blkbuttons = (up,down,left,right,z_up,z_down, zero_x, zero_y, zero_z, zero_all, setzero, gozero, spindle)