grbl = 0 port = None i = 10 GCODE = 0 gcode_to_stream = [] countbuf = 0 writebuffer_byPass = [] writebuffer = [] readbuffer = [] AXIS = 'X' states = {'M3': '0', 'M8': '0', 'M6': '0', 'G10': '0'} # Spindle, Coolant, Toolchange dict_GCODE = {'G': '0', 'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0', 'I': '0', 'J': '0', 'F': '0' } # GUI Main buttonsize_x = 5 buttonsize_y = 3 increments = 0 BORDER = 2 freetosend = 1 # GUI Color Scheme attention = 'red' loaded = 'green' cooling = 'blue' toolchange = 'yellow' standard = '#17223B' feed = '#283B67' def grblConnect2(): global grbl global port # Serial Connection locations = ['/dev/ttyACM0', '/dev/ttyUSB0', '/dev/ttyUSB1', '/dev/ttyACM1', '/dev/ttyACM2', '/dev/ttyACM3', '/dev/ttyS0', '/dev/ttyS1', '/dev/ttyS2', '/dev/ttyS3'] for device in locations: try: # print([comport.device for comport in]) print("Trying...", device) grbl = serial.Serial(port=device, baudrate=115200, timeout=.5) # dsrdtr= True) port = device # # print(grbl.readline()) grbl.write(str.encode("\r\n\r\n")) time.sleep(2) # Wait for grbl to initialize grbl.flushInput() # Flush startup text in serial input connect_ser.config(bg=loaded) # print("connected") break except: # print ("Failed to connect on",device) grbl = 0 # Stream g-code to grbl # Stream GCODE from - def jogWrite(AXIS, CMD, scale): # Schreiben von manuellen Positionierungsbefehlen global freetosend DECIMAL = [0.1, 1, 10, 100] scale = increments.get() MOVE = int(CMD) * DECIMAL[scale - 1] grbl_command = ('$J=G91' + 'G21' + AXIS + str(MOVE) + 'F1000') # print(grbl_command) $J=G91G21X10F185 grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command) def switchButtonState(button): # Umschalter für Knopfstatus if button["state"] == DISABLED: button["state"] = NORMAL else: button["state"] = DISABLED def directWrite(CMD): # Direktes schreiben eines Befehls global freetosend # print(freetosend) grbl_command = CMD grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command) def latchWrite(CMD): global states global freetosend if states[CMD] == '0': states[CMD] = '1' if CMD == 'M3': spindle.config(bg=attention) # A31621 if CMD == 'M6': tool.config(bg=toolchange) # E0CA3C if CMD == 'G10': zero_all.config(bg=loaded) else: states[CMD] = '0' if CMD == 'M3': spindle.config(bg=loaded) # A2D729 if CMD == 'M6': tool.config(bg='grey') # if CMD == 'G10': # zero_all.config(bg= attention) if CMD == 'M3': if states['M3'] == '1': grbl_command = 'M3 S1000' else: grbl_command = 'M3 S0' elif CMD == 'M8': if states['M8'] == '1': grbl_command = (CMD) coolant.config(bg=cooling) # 1F7A8C else: grbl_command = 'M9' coolant.config(bg='grey') elif CMD == 'G10': grbl_command = 'G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0' else: grbl_command = (CMD) # grbl_command = (CMD * int(states[CMD]) ) # print(grbl_command) # print(states) grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command) def terminalWrite(): # Holt Zeichenstring von Editfeld und sendet es grbl_command = terminal.get() # print(grbl_command) grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, grbl_command) def infoScreen(data): # Anzeigecanvas für GRBL Rückmeldungen global i terminalFrame = Frame(terminal_recv, bg='white') terminal_recv.create_window(10, i, window=terminalFrame, anchor='nw') Label(terminalFrame, text=data, font=('Calibri', 10), bg='white', fg='black').pack() i += 22 if i >= 400: i = 10 terminal_recv.delete("all") def openGCODE(): # Dialog zur Gcode Auswahl und öffnen der Datei als GCODE Objekt global gcode_to_stream filetypes = (('GCODE', '*.nc'), ('All files', '*.*')) GCODE = fd.askopenfile(title='Open a file', initialdir='/home/thomas/Nextcloud/CAM/', filetypes=filetypes) if GCODE != 0: fopen.config(bg=loaded) extracted = extract_GCODE(GCODE) draw_GCODE(extracted) gcode_to_stream = GCODE else: fopen.config(bg='grey') # build_xy = findEnvelope() #Aufruf PLatz im Bauraum # mill_table.create_rectangle(build_xy[0],build_xy[1], fill = 'blue', stipple = 'gray75') # Zeichnen des Objekts im Bauraum def extract_GCODE(gcode: list): # Aufschlüsseln der enthaltenen Koordinaten in ein per Schlüssel zugängiges Dictionary list_dict_GCODE = [] for line in gcode: l = line.split() # Elemente trennen und in Liste konvertieren for i in range(0, len(l)): # print (l) if 'G' in l[i]: dict_GCODE['G'] = l[i].replace('G', '') # Wert einfügen und gleichzeitig G CODE befehl entfernen if 'X' in l[i]: dict_GCODE['X'] = l[i].replace('X', '') if 'Y' in l[i]: dict_GCODE['Y'] = l[i].replace('Y', '') if 'Z' in l[i]: dict_GCODE['Z'] = l[i].replace('Z', '') if 'I' in l[i] and not 'ZMIN': dict_GCODE['I'] = l[i].replace('I', '') if 'J' in l[i]: dict_GCODE['J'] = l[i].replace('J', '') if 'F' in l[i] and not 'Fusion': dict_GCODE['F'] = l[i].replace('F', '') # print(dict_GCODE) list_dict_GCODE.append( dict_GCODE.copy()) # Copy notwendig da es sich nur um einen "Pointer" handelt der immer auf die zuletzt aktualisierte dict Zeile zeigt. print(list_dict_GCODE) return list_dict_GCODE def draw_GCODE(glist): # Zeichnen des GCodes zur Beurteilung des Bauraums for i in range(0, len(glist) - 1): x_y_current = 50 + float(glist[i]['X']), 350 - float(glist[i]['Y']) x_y_next = 50 + float(glist[i + 1]['X']), 350 - float(glist[i + 1]['Y']) mill_table.create_line(x_y_current, x_y_next) def writeToFileLog(log): # Log für Debugzwecke with open("log.txt", 'a') as out: out.write(log) def displayPosition_request(grbl_pos): if grbl != 0: try: position = str(grbl_pos) # print (readbuffer) position = position.replace('Idle|', ',') position = position.replace('Run|', ',') position = position.replace('WPos:', '') position = position.replace('MPos:', '') position = position.replace('>', ',') position = position.replace('|', ',') position.strip() coordinates_list = position.split(',') # print(coordinates_list) show_ctrl_x.config(text=coordinates_list[1]) show_ctrl_y.config(text=coordinates_list[2]) show_ctrl_z.config(text=coordinates_list[3]) mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1], coordinates_list[2], coordinates_list[1], coordinates_list[2] + 50, arrow=FIRST) # show_ctrl_x_w.config(text = coordinates_list[4]) # show_ctrl_y_w.config(text = coordinates_list[5]) # show_ctrl_z_w.config(text = coordinates_list[6]) except: pass # print("Listerror") else: print("Serial Busy") # root.after(1000,displayPosition) def displayPosition(): global readbuffer if grbl != 0: try: position = str(readbuffer[2]) # print (readbuffer) position = position.replace('Idle|', ',') position = position.replace('Run|', ',') position = position.replace('WPos:', '') position = position.replace('MPos:', '') position = position.replace('>', ',') position = position.replace('|', ',') position.strip() coordinates_list = position.split(',') # print(coordinates_list) show_ctrl_x.config(text=coordinates_list[1]) show_ctrl_y.config(text=coordinates_list[2]) show_ctrl_z.config(text=coordinates_list[3]) mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1], coordinates_list[2], coordinates_list[1] + 10, coordinates_list[2] + 20) mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1], coordinates_list[2], coordinates_list[1] - 10, coordinates_list[2] + 20) mill_table.create_line(coordinates_list[1] - 10, coordinates_list[2] + 20, coordinates_list[1] + 10, coordinates_list[2] + 20) # show_ctrl_x_w.config(text = coordinates_list[4]) # show_ctrl_y_w.config(text = coordinates_list[5]) # show_ctrl_z_w.config(text = coordinates_list[6]) except: pass # print("Listerror") else: print("Serial Busy") # root.after(1000,displayPosition) def grblWrite(): if gcode_to_stream != None: print("Stream", gcode_to_stream) grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, gcode_to_stream) # fdbk = grbl_gcode_send.send_gcode(grbl, line) # print(fdbk) grbl_gcode_send.wait_for_buffer_empty() def grblClose(): # Close file and serial port # f.close() try: grbl.close() print("closed") connect_ser.config(bg='grey') except: print("Connection still open")