import logging import time from tkinter import Button, Label, Variable, IntVar, Canvas, Frame, Listbox, Entry, Radiobutton, Tk, constants, LEFT from tkinter import filedialog as fd import os from gerbil.gerbil import Gerbil class touchCNC: def __init__(self, root): self.root = root # GUI Main self.stick_var = None self.stick_var_disp = 'NSWE' self.buttonsize_x = 5 self.buttonsize_y = 3 self.buttonsize_y_s = 1 self.pady_var = 3 self.file_list = [] self.list_items = Variable(value=self.file_list) self.increments = 0 self.BORDER = 2 self.feedspeed = None self.states = {'M3': '0', 'M8': '0', 'M6': '0', 'G10': '0', '32' :0} # self.spindle, Coolant, Toolchange self.dict_GCODE = {'G': '0', 'X': '0', 'Y': '0', 'Z': '0', 'I': '0', 'J': '0', 'F': '0' } # GUI Color Scheme self.attention = '#ED217C' self.special = '#EC058E' self.loaded = '#90E39A' self.cooling = '#86BBD8' self.toolchange = '#ADE25D' self.secondary = '#B9A44C' self.standard = '#6DB1BF' #F5F5F5' self.feed = self.secondary self.transport = '#FA7921' self.increments = IntVar() self.movement = Frame(root, relief='ridge', bd=self.BORDER, padx=10, pady=10) self.left = Button(root, text="-X", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.jogWrite('X', '-1', self.increments), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.right = Button(root, text="+X", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.jogWrite('X', '1', self.increments), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.up = Button(root, text="+Y", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.jogWrite('Y', '1', self.increments), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.down = Button(root, text="-Y", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.jogWrite('Y', '-1', self.increments), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.z_up = Button(root, text="+Z", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.jogWrite('Z', '1', self.increments), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.z_down = Button(root, text="-Z", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.jogWrite('Z', '-1', self.increments), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.zero_x = Button(root, text="zero X", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y_s, command=lambda: self.directWrite('G10 P0 L20 X0'), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.secondary) self.zero_y = Button(root, text="zero Y", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y_s, command=lambda: self.directWrite('G10 P0 L20 Y0'), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.secondary) self.zero_z = Button(root, text="zero Z", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y_s, command=lambda: self.directWrite('G10 P0 L20 Z0'), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.secondary) self.zero_all = Button(root, text="zeroAll", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y_s, command=lambda: self.latchWrite('G10'), bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.special) self.setzero = Button(root, text="SetPOS", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y_s, command=lambda: self.directWrite('G28.1'), bd=self.BORDER, bg= self.standard) self.gozero = Button(root, text="GoPOS", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y_s, command=lambda: self.directWrite('G28'), bd=self.BORDER , bg= self.attention) self.connect_ser = Button(root, text="Cnnct", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=self.grblConnect2, bg=self.standard, bd=self.BORDER) self.discon_ser = Button(root, text="Dsconct", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command= self.grblClose, bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.standard) self.unlock = Button(root, text="Unlock", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=1, command=self.grblUnlock, bd=self.BORDER) self.start = Button(root, text="START", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.attention, command=self.grblWrite, bd=self.BORDER) self.stop = Button(root, text="STOP", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.transport, command=self.grblStop) self.pause = Button(root, text="PAUSE", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.transport, command=self.grblPause) self.resume = Button(root, text="RESUME", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bd=self.BORDER, bg=self.transport, command=self.grblResume) self.fopen = Button(root, text="OPEN", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.standard, fg='black', command=self.openGCODE, bd=self.BORDER) self.fopendir = Button(root, text="DIR", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.standard, fg='black', command=self.openDir, bd=self.BORDER) self.spindle = Button(root, text="Spindle", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.standard, command=lambda: self.latchWrite('M3')) self.coolant = Button(root, text="Coolant", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.standard, command=lambda: self.latchWrite('M8')) self.tool = Button(root, text="Tool", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.standard, command=lambda: self.directWrite('G10')) self.macro = Button(root, text="Laser", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, bg=self.standard, command=lambda: self.latchWrite('32')) #self.directWrite(' G91 G0 X10 Y10 Z50 F1000')) self.inc1 = Button(root, text="Inc 1%", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.feed_over_write(1), bg=self.feed) self.inc10 = Button(root, text="Inc 10%", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.feed_over_write(10), bg=self.feed) self.dec1 = Button(root, text="Dec 1%", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.feed_over_write(-1), bg=self.feed) self.dec10 = Button(root, text="Dec 10%", width=self.buttonsize_x, height=self.buttonsize_y, command=lambda: self.feed_over_write(-10), bg=self.feed) self.reset = Button(root, text=" 9: self.feedspeed = data[10] elif eventstring == "on_read": if data[0] == '$32=1': self.macro.config(background=self.attention) elif data[0] == '$32=0': self.macro.config(background=self.loaded) #elif eventstring == "on_processed_command": # pass elif eventstring == "on_line_sent": pass else: self.terminal_recv.config(text=eventstring) self.terminal_recv_content.config(text=data) import time import logging def grblConnect2(self, baudrate=115200, max_retries=5, retry_interval=3): retry_count = 0 locations = ['/dev/ttyUSB0', '/dev/ttyACM0', '/dev/ttyUSB1', '/dev/ttyACM1', '/dev/ttyACM2', '/dev/ttyACM3', '/dev/ttyS0', '/dev/ttyS1', '/dev/ttyS2', '/dev/ttyS3'] # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not grbl.connected: for device in locations: if retry_count < max_retries: try:"Attempting to connect to {device}") grbl.cnect(path=device, baudrate=baudrate) break except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Failed to connect to {device}: {e}") self.terminal_recv_content.config(text=f"Failed to connect to {device}: {e}") retry_count += 1 time.sleep(retry_interval) logger.warning(f"Failed to connect after {max_retries} attempts.") finally: time.sleep(3) grbl.setup_logging() self.connect_ser.config(bg=self.loaded) #rbl.request_settings()"Connection successful to {device}") self.terminal_recv_content.config(text=f"Connection successful to {device}") grbl.connected = True grbl.poll_start() self.terminal_recv_content.config(text=f"State: {grbl.connected}") #grbl.set_feed_override(True) def grblClose(self): grbl.softreset() grbl.disconnect() self.connect_ser.config(bg=self.secondary) def displayWorkPosition(self, pos: list): #print("update", pos) self.show_ctrl_x_w.config(text = pos[0]) self.show_ctrl_y_w.config(text = pos[1]) self.show_ctrl_z_w.config(text = pos[2]) #self.root.after(1000, self.getPosition) def jogWrite(self, axis, cmd, scale): DECIMAL = [0.1, 1, 10, 100] scale = self.increments.get() MOVE = int(cmd) * DECIMAL[scale - 1] grbl_command = ('$J=G91' + 'G21' + axis + str(MOVE) + 'F1000') # print(grbl_command) $J=G91G21X10F185 grbl.send_immediately(grbl_command) def directWrite(self, cmd): grbl.send_immediately(cmd) def feed_over_write(self, change: int): new_feed = self.feedspeed / 100 * change print(new_feed) grbl.request_feed(new_feed) def latchWrite(self, CMD): if self.states[CMD] == '0': self.states[CMD] = '1' self.update_button_color(CMD, True) else: self.states[CMD] = '0' self.update_button_color(CMD, False) grbl_command = self.get_grbl_command(CMD) grbl.send_immediately(grbl_command) def update_button_color(self, CMD, is_active): if CMD == 'M3': self.spindle.config(bg=self.attention if is_active else self.loaded) elif CMD == 'M6': self.tool.config(bg=self.toolchange if is_active else self.standard) elif CMD == 'G10': self.zero_all.config(bg=self.loaded if is_active else self.attention) elif CMD == '32': self.macro.config(bg=self.loaded if is_active else self.attention) elif CMD == 'M8': self.coolant.config(bg=self.cooling if is_active else self.standard) def get_grbl_command(self, CMD): if CMD == 'M3': return 'M3 S1000' if self.states['M3'] == '1' else 'M5' elif CMD == 'M8': return CMD if self.states[CMD] == '1' else 'M9' elif CMD == 'G10': return 'G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0' elif CMD == '32': return '$32=0' if self.states['32'] == '1' else '$32=1' else: return CMD def overrideCMD(self, cmd): pass #grbl. def openGCODE(self): filetypes = (('GCODE', '*.nc'), ('All files', '*.*')) if not self.file_list: GCODE = fd.askopenfilename(title='Open a file', initialdir='/home/thomas/Nextcloud/CAM/', filetypes=filetypes) else: GCODE = self.load_gcode_from_listbox() if GCODE: grbl.abort() grbl.job_new() self.fopen.config(bg=self.loaded) extracted = self.extract_GCODE(GCODE) draw = DrawonTable(self.mill_table) draw.drawgridTable() draw.setGCODE(extracted) draw.draw_GCODE(extracted) grbl.load_file(GCODE) else: self.fopen.config(bg=self.secondary) def get_filenames(self,base_path): filenames = [] # Use os.listdir to get the list of files and directories in the base path entries = os.listdir(base_path) if entries: for entry in entries: # Use os.path.join to create the full path of the entry full_path = os.path.join(base_path, entry) # Check if the entry is a file (not a directory) if os.path.isfile(full_path): # If it's a file, add it to the list of filenames filenames.append(entry) else: filenames = ["Such Empty"] return filenames def openDir(self): self.file_list = [] directory = fd.askdirectory(title='Open a Folder', initialdir='/home/thomas/Nextcloud/CAM/') #print(directory) allowed_extensions = {'nc', 'GCODE'} # Use a set for efficient membership testing print(directory) if directory: filenames = self.get_filenames(directory) self.files.delete(0, constants.END) for file in filenames: # Check if the file has an allowed extension if any(file.lower().endswith(ext) for ext in allowed_extensions): self.file_list.append(file) self.files.insert("end", file) # Add the filename to the Listbox else: print("Please select Folder") self.terminal_recv_content.config(text="Please select Folder") #print(self.file_list) def load_gcode_from_listbox(self): selected_indices = self.files.curselection() if selected_indices: selected_index = selected_indices[0] selected_item = self.files.get(selected_index) print("Selected item:", selected_item) else: print("No item selected") return selected_item def grblWrite(self): grbl.job_run() def grblStop(self): grbl.job_halt() def grblPause(self): grbl.hold() self.pause.config(bg='red') def grblResume(self): grbl.resume() self.pause.config(bg=self.transport) def grblUnlock(self): grbl.killalarm() def extract_GCODE(self, gcode_path: str): # Aufschlüsseln der enthaltenen Koordinaten in ein per Schlüssel zugängiges Dictionary with open(gcode_path, 'r') as gcode: list_dict_GCODE = [] for line in gcode: lines = line.split() # Elemente trennen und in Liste konvertieren for command in lines: # print (l) if 'G' in command: self.dict_GCODE['G'] = command.replace('G', '') # Wert einfügen und gleichzeitig G CODE befehl entfernen if 'X' in command: self.dict_GCODE['X'] = command.replace('X', '') if 'Y' in command: self.dict_GCODE['Y'] = command.replace('Y', '') if 'Z' in command: self.dict_GCODE['Z'] = command.replace('Z', '') if 'I' in command and not 'ZMIN': self.dict_GCODE['I'] = command.replace('I', '') if 'J' in command: self.dict_GCODE['J'] = command.replace('J', '') if 'F' in command and not 'Fusion': self.dict_GCODE['F'] = command.replace('F', '') # print(dict_GCODE) list_dict_GCODE.append( self.dict_GCODE.copy()) # Copy notwendig da es sich nur um einen "Pointer" handelt der immer auf die zuletzt aktualisierte dict Zeile zeigt. #print(list_dict_GCODE) return list_dict_GCODE class DrawonTable: def __init__(self, mill_table: object): self.mill_table = mill_table self.gcode: list = None self.cursor_pos = None def setPos(self,pos): if pos != None: self.cursor_pos = pos def setGCODE(self, gcode: list): if gcode != None: self.gcode = gcode def clearTable(self): self.mill_table.delete('all') def drawToolCursor(self): id = self.mill_table.create_text(50 + float(self.cursor_pos[0]), 342 - float(self.cursor_pos[1]), text='V', fill = 'red', font=("Arial", 16)) return id def deleteCursor(self, id): if id != None: #print("deleted") self.mill_table.delete(id) def draw_GCODE(self, glist): # Zeichnen des GCodes zur Beurteilung des Bauraums self.drawgridTable() for i in range(0, len(glist) - 1): x_y_current = 50 + float(glist[i]['X']), 350 - float(glist[i]['Y']) x_y_next = 50 + float(glist[i + 1]['X']), 350 - float(glist[i + 1]['Y']) self.mill_table.create_line(x_y_current, x_y_next) def get_coordinates(self, point): x_str = point.get('X', '0') y_str = point.get('Y', '0') x = 50 + float(x_str[1:]) if x_str and x_str[0] == 'X' else 50 y = 350 - float(y_str[1:]) if y_str and y_str[0] == 'Y' else 350 return x, y def drawgridTable(self): self.mill_table.delete('all') self.mill_table.create_rectangle(50, 50, 350, 350, fill='white') self.mill_table.create_text(200, 25, text='Fräsbereich 300mm x 300mm') for x in range(50, 350, 50): self.mill_table.create_text(x, 400 - x, text=x - 50) for x in range(0, 400, 50): for y in range(0, 400, 50): gitter_x = self.mill_table.create_line(x, 0, x, 400) gitter_y = self.mill_table.create_line(0, y, 400, y) if __name__ == "__main__": root = Tk() root.title('touchCNC') root.geometry('1024x600+0+0') root.grid_propagate(True) root.resizable(False, False) # 17203b root.attributes('-fullscreen', False) root.tk_setPalette(background='#4B4A67', foreground='black', activeBackground='#F99417', activeForeground='lightgrey') app = touchCNC(root) grbl = Gerbil(app.gui_callback) grbl.hash_state_requested = True grbl.gcode_parser_state_requested = True root.mainloop()