import serial import time from tkinter import * import from tkinter import filedialog as fd grbl = 0 i = 10 GCODE = 0 AXIS = 'X' def grblConnect2(): global grbl #Serial Connection locations=['/dev/ttyACM0','/dev/ttyUSB0','/dev/ttyUSB1','/dev/ttyACM1','/dev/ttyACM2','/dev/ttyACM3', '/dev/ttyS0','/dev/ttyS1','/dev/ttyS2','/dev/ttyS3'] for device in locations: try: #print([comport.device for comport in]) print ("Trying...",device) grbl = serial.Serial(port= device, baudrate= 115200, timeout =.1) #print(grbl.readline()) grbl.write(str.encode("\r\n\r\n")) time.sleep(2) # Wait for grbl to initialize grbl.flushInput() # Flush startup text in serial input connect_ser.config(bg='green') #print("connected") break except: #print ("Failed to connect on",device) grbl = 0 # Stream g-code to grbl #Stream GCODE from - def grblConnectDebug(): global grbl grbl = serial.Serial(port= '/dev/ttyACM0', baudrate= 115200, timeout =.1) #grbl.close() #print(grbl.readline()) grbl.write(str.encode("\r\n\r\n")) time.sleep(2) # Wait for grbl to initialize grbl.flushInput() # Flush startup text in serial input #print("connected") connect_ser.config(bg='green') #print( infoScreen( return grbl def jogWrite(grbl,AXIS, CMD, scale): DECIMAL = [0.1,1,10,100] scale = increments.get() MOVE = int(CMD) * DECIMAL[scale -1] grbl_command = ('G91'+'G0' +' ' + AXIS + str(MOVE) + ' '+ 'F100') #print(grbl_command) grbl.write(str.encode(grbl_command + '\n')) grbl_out = grbl.readline() # Wait for grbl response with carriage return #print(grbl_out.strip()) infoScreen(grbl_command) infoScreen(grbl_out) def terminalWrite(grbl): grbl_command = terminal.get() #print(grbl_command) grbl.write(str.encode(grbl_command + '\n')) grbl_out = grbl.readline() # Wait for grbl response with carriage return #print(grbl_out.strip()) infoScreen(grbl_out) def infoScreen(data): global i terminalFrame = Frame(terminal_recv, bg = 'white') terminal_recv.create_window(10,i, window = terminalFrame, anchor = 'nw') Label(terminalFrame, text = data, font = ('Calibri',10), bg ='white', fg ='black').pack() i += 22 if i >=400: i=10 terminal_recv.delete("all") def openGCODE(): global GCODE filetypes = (('GCODE', '*.nc'),('All files', '*.*')) GCODE = fd.askopenfile(title='Open a file', initialdir='/home/thomash/Environments/cnc/', filetypes=filetypes) if GCODE != 0: fopen.config(bg='green') else: fopen.config(bg = 'grey') build_xy = findEnvelope() mill_table.create_rectangle(build_xy[0],build_xy[1], fill = 'blue', stipple = 'gray75') def findEnvelope(): #get the max used Buildspace and position of the job x_coords = [] y_coords = [] coord_max = [0,1] coord_min = [0,1] for line in GCODE: l = line.strip(line) # Strip all EOL characters for streaming l = line.replace('X', '') l2 = l.replace('Y', '') l2 = l2.split() if len(l2) == 3: x = l2[1] x_coords.append(float(x)) y = l2[2] y_coords.append(float(y)) x_coords.sort() y_coords.sort() coord_max[0] = max(x_coords) +50 coord_max[1] = 350 - max(y_coords) #invertierte Buildplattform mit 0 unten links statt oben links coord_min[0] = min(x_coords) +50 coord_min[1] = 350 - min(y_coords) return coord_min, coord_max def grblWrite(grbl): #print("write1") for line in GCODE: #print("write") l = line.strip(line) # Strip all EOL characters for streaming l = line.split(";",0) grbl.write(str.encode(l[0]+ '\n')) # Send g-code block to grbl grbl_out = grbl.readline() # Wait for grbl response with carriage return infoScreen(grbl_out.strip()) def grblClose(grbl): # Close file and serial port #f.close() try: grbl.close() print("closed") connect_ser.config(bg='grey') except: print("Connection still open") #GUI Main buttonsize_x = 5 buttonsize_y = 3 increments = 0 root = Tk() root.title('touchCNC') root.geometry('1024x600+0+0') increments = IntVar() left = Button(root, text="-X", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:jogWrite(grbl, 'X', '-1', increments)) right = Button(root, text="+X",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite(grbl, 'X', '1', increments)) up = Button(root, text="+Y", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite(grbl, 'Y', '1', increments)) down = Button(root, text="-Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite(grbl, 'Y', '-1', increments)) z_up = Button(root, text="+Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite(grbl, 'Z', '1', increments) ) z_down = Button(root, text="-Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite(grbl, 'Z', '-1', increments)) zero_x = Button(root, text="zero X",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) zero_y = Button(root, text="zero Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) zero_z = Button(root, text="zero Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) zero_all =Button(root, text="zero All",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) connect_ser = Button(root, text="Cnnct",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = grblConnect2, bg = 'grey') discon_ser = Button(root, text="Dsconct",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:grblClose(grbl)) start = Button(root, text="START",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = 'red', command = lambda: grblWrite(grbl)) stop = Button(root, text="STOP",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bd= 3) pause = Button(root, text="PAUSE",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = '#007fff') fopen = Button(root, text="GCODE",width = buttonsize_x , height = buttonsize_y, bg = 'grey', command = openGCODE) spindle = Button(root, text="Spindle",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) coolant = Button(root, text="Coolant",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) tool = Button(root, text="Tool",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) macro = Button(root, text="Macro1",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y) step_incr1 = Radiobutton(root, text= '0,1', value = 1 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 ) step_incr2 = Radiobutton(root, text= '1', value = 2 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 ) step_incr3 = Radiobutton(root, text= '10', value = 3 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 ) step_incr4 = Radiobutton(root, text= '100', value = 4 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 ) terminal = Entry(root, width =8, text="GCODE") terminal_send = Button(root, text="SEND",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bd= 3, command = lambda: terminalWrite(grbl)) terminal_recv = Canvas(root, width = 200, height =400, bg = 'white') show_ctrl_x_label = Label(root,text = "X - POSITION") show_ctrl_y_label = Label(root,text = "Y - POSITION") show_ctrl_z_label = Label(root,text = "Z - POSITION") show_ctrl_x =Entry(root, text = "X - POSITION", width = 5) show_ctrl_y =Entry(root, text = "Y - POSITION", width = 5) show_ctrl_z =Entry(root, text = "Z - POSITION", width = 5) feed_control = Scale(root, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 400, label = "Feedrate",tickinterval = 20) #Milling Area and Gcode preview with grid generation mill_table= Canvas(root, width= 400, height = 400, bg = 'grey') try: meister = PhotoImage(file='meister.png', width =400, height = 400) mill_table.create_image(200,200,image = meister, anchor =NW) except: infoScreen("Couldn't load background") mill_table.create_rectangle(50,50,350,350, fill ='white') mill_table.create_text(200,25,text = 'Fräsbereich 300mm x 300mm') for x in range(50,350,50): mill_table.create_text(x,400- x, text = x-50) for x in range(0,400,50): for y in range(0,400,50): gitter_x = mill_table.create_line(x,0,x,400) gitter_y = mill_table.create_line(0,y,400,y) left.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=3, pady=2) right.grid(row=1, column=2,padx=3, pady=2) up.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=3, pady=10) down.grid(row=1, column=1,padx=3, pady=2) z_up.grid(row=0, column=3,padx=10, pady=10) z_down.grid(row=1, column=3,padx=10, pady=2) step_incr1.grid(row=2, column=0,padx=3, pady=10) step_incr2.grid(row=2, column=1,padx=3, pady=10) step_incr3.grid(row=2, column=2,padx=3, pady=10) step_incr4.grid(row=2, column=3,padx=3, pady=10) show_ctrl_x_label.grid(row=3, column=0,padx=3, pady=10, columnspan =2) show_ctrl_y_label.grid(row=4, column=0,padx=3, pady=10, columnspan =2) show_ctrl_z_label.grid(row=5, column=0,padx=3, pady=10, columnspan =2) show_ctrl_x.grid(row=3, column=2,padx=3, pady=10, columnspan =1) show_ctrl_y.grid(row=4, column=2,padx=3, pady=10, columnspan =1) show_ctrl_z.grid(row=5, column=2,padx=3, pady=10, columnspan =1) zero_x.grid(row=6, column=0,padx=10, pady=10) zero_y.grid(row=6, column=1,padx=10, pady=10) zero_z.grid(row=6, column=2,padx=10, pady=10) zero_all.grid(row=6, column=3,padx=10, pady=10) connect_ser.grid(row=7, column=0,padx=10, pady=10) discon_ser.grid(row=7, column=1,padx=10, pady=10) start.grid(row=7, column=2,padx=10, pady=10) stop.grid(row=7, column=3,padx=10, pady=10) pause.grid(row=8, column=2,padx=10, pady=10, columnspan = 1) fopen.grid(row=8, column=0,padx=10, pady=10) spindle.grid(row=7, column=4,padx=1, pady=10) coolant.grid(row=7, column=5,padx=1, pady=10) tool.grid(row=7, column=6,padx=1, pady=10) macro.grid(row=7, column=7,padx=1, pady=10) terminal.grid(row = 7, column = 8, padx =2, pady =10) terminal_send.grid(row = 7, column = 9, padx =2, pady =10) terminal_recv.grid(row = 0, column = 8, padx =10, pady =10,rowspan = 7, columnspan =2) feed_control.grid(row = 8, column = 4, columnspan =4) mill_table.grid(row=0, column=4,padx=10, pady=10,columnspan = 4, rowspan = 7) root.mainloop()