# touchCNC 1.0 GRBL 1.1 CNC Controller for ODROID C2 with VU PLus Touch Screen or Linux Desktop Should run on any System wit at least 1024x600 Screen Resolution. - Jog - Zero positions - Job commands - Spindle Coolant, Tool and Macro commands - Gcode milling envelope preview - G28 Position - Feed override (Not yet working) - terminal - Laser status and switch ![Screen.png](Screen.png) - - Tested on latest Armbian stable https://www.armbian.com/odroid-c2/#kernels-archive-all - Tested on Manjaro - Using cncpro v3 with grbl1.1f ## Clone to your PC `git clone https://github.com/BKLronin/touchCNC.git` ## Install - (Create env) - In folder enter: `pip install requirements.txt` ## Run `python cnc_gerbil.py` or `cd dist` `./cnc_gerbil` (Bundled pyinstaller executable) ## Settings `nano settings.py` or any other editor to setup to your specific usecase, the options are: - The resolution of your SBC-screen `resolution = '1024x600+0+0'` - When running on SBC with touch set to: True `set_fullscreen = False` - Platform dependent com ports `portlist = ['/dev/ttyUSB0', '/dev/ttyACM0', '/dev/ttyUSB1', '/dev/ttyACM1', '/dev/ttyACM2', '/dev/ttyACM3', '/dev/ttyS0', '/dev/ttyS1', '/dev/ttyS2', '/dev/ttyS3']` - Where the file dialog points to. Ideally some Nextcloud folder or Samba share etc. `basepath = '/home/'` - Machine commands `spindle_on = 'M3S1000' ` `spindle_off = 'M5'` `cooling_on = 'M8' ` `cooling_off = 'M9' ` `toolchange = 'G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0' ` - Table Info Text `table_text = 'Fräsbereich 300mm x 300mm'` ### Based on: Python3 tkinter pyserial gerbil