mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 18:04:02 +01:00
Button logic, feedrateadjust
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,17 +10,22 @@ grbl = 0
i = 10
AXIS = 'X'
states = {'M3':'0', 'M8':'0', 'M6':'0'} #Spindle, Coolant, Toolchange
states = {'M3':'0', 'M8':'0', 'M6':'0', 'G10': '0'} #Spindle, Coolant, Toolchange
#GUI Main
buttonsize_x = 5
buttonsize_y = 3
increments = 0
freetosend = 1
#GUI Color Scheme
attention = 'red'
loaded = 'green'
cooling = 'blue'
toolchange = 'yellow'
standard = '#17223B'
feed = '#283B67'
def grblConnect2():
global grbl
@ -55,9 +60,11 @@ def displayPosition():
grbl_command = '?'
position = str(grbl.readline())
position = position.replace('Idle|', ',')
position = position.replace('WPos:', '')
position = position.replace('MPos:', '')
position = position.replace('>', ',')
position = position.replace('|', ',')
coordinates_list = position.split(',')
@ -95,9 +102,12 @@ def latchWrite(CMD):
if states[CMD] == '0':
states[CMD] = '1'
if CMD == 'M3':
spindle.config(bg=attention) #A31621
spindle.config(bg= attention) #A31621
if CMD == 'M6':
tool.config(bg = toolchange)#E0CA3C
if CMD == 'G10':
zero_all.config(bg = loaded)
states[CMD] ='0'
@ -105,26 +115,33 @@ def latchWrite(CMD):
if CMD == 'M6':
#if CMD == 'G10':
# zero_all.config(bg= attention)
if CMD == 'M3':
if states['M3'] == '1':
grbl_command = 'M3 S1000'
if states['M3'] == '0':
grbl_command = 'M3 S1000'
grbl_command = 'M3 S0'
if CMD == 'M8':
elif CMD == 'M8':
if states['M8'] == '1':
grbl_command = (CMD)
coolant.config(bg = cooling)#1F7A8C
grbl_command = ('M7')
grbl_command = 'M9'
coolant.config(bg ='grey')
elif CMD == 'G10':
grbl_command = 'G10 P0 L20 X0 Y0 Z0'
grbl_command = (CMD)
#grbl_command = (CMD * int(states[CMD]) )
def zeroWrite(CMD, AXIS):
@ -226,10 +243,7 @@ def sendGRBL(grbl_command):
#GUI Main
buttonsize_x = 5
buttonsize_y = 3
increments = 0
root = Tk()
@ -240,18 +254,20 @@ root.tk_setPalette(background='#11192C', foreground='white',activeBackground='#2
increments = IntVar()
movement = Frame(root, relief = 'ridge', bd = BORDER)
left = Button(root, text="-X", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:jogWrite('X', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER)
right = Button(root, text="+X",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('X', '1', increments),bd = BORDER)
up = Button(root, text="+Y", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Y', '1', increments),bd = BORDER)
cancel = Button(root, text="cancel", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,bg = attention, command = lambda:directWrite('…'),bd = BORDER)
down = Button(root, text="-Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Y', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER)
z_up = Button(root, text="+Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Z', '1', increments) ,bd = BORDER)
z_down = Button(root, text="-Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Z', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER)
left = Button(root, text="-X", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:jogWrite('X', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
right = Button(root, text="+X",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('X', '1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
up = Button(root, text="+Y", width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Y', '1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
down = Button(root, text="-Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Y', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
z_up = Button(root, text="+Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Z', '1', increments) ,bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
z_down = Button(root, text="-Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:jogWrite('Z', '-1', increments),bd = BORDER, bg = standard)
zero_x = Button(root, text="zero X",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:zeroWrite('G92', 'X0' ),bd = BORDER)
zero_y = Button(root, text="zero Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:zeroWrite('G92', 'Y0' ),bd = BORDER)
zero_z = Button(root, text="zero Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:zeroWrite('G92', 'Z0' ),bd = BORDER)
zero_all =Button(root, text="zero All",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:directWrite('G28.1'),bd = BORDER)
zero_x = Button(root, text="zero X",width = buttonsize_x, height = 1, command = lambda:directWrite('G10 P0 L20 X0'),bd = BORDER)
zero_y = Button(root, text="zero Y",width = buttonsize_x, height = 1, command = lambda:directWrite('G10 P0 L20 Y0' ),bd = BORDER)
zero_z = Button(root, text="zero Z",width = buttonsize_x, height = 1, command = lambda:directWrite('G10 P0 L20 Z0' ),bd = BORDER)
zero_all=Button(root, text="zeroAll",width = buttonsize_x, height = 3, command = lambda:latchWrite('G10'),bd = BORDER, bg= 'magenta')
setzero =Button(root, text="SetPOS",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:directWrite('G28.1'),bd = BORDER)
gozero =Button(root, text="GoPOS",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:directWrite('G28'),bd = BORDER)
connect_ser = Button(root, text="Cnnct",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = grblConnect2, bg = 'grey',bd = BORDER)
discon_ser = Button(root, text="Dsconct",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, command = lambda:grblClose(),bd = BORDER)
@ -259,15 +275,21 @@ unlock = Button(root, text="Unlock",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,
start = Button(root, text="START",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = attention, command = lambda: threading.Thread(target = grblWrite).start(),bd = BORDER)
stop = Button(root, text="STOP",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,bd = BORDER, command = lambda: directWrite('') )
pause = Button(root, text="PAUSE",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = cooling,bd = BORDER,command = lambda: directWrite('!') )
resume = Button(root, text="RESUME",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,bd = BORDER,command = lambda: directWrite('~') )
resume = Button(root, text="RESUME",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,bd = BORDER,command = lambda: directWrite('~'))
fopen = Button(root, text="GCODE",width = buttonsize_x , height = buttonsize_y, bg = 'grey', command = openGCODE,bd = BORDER)
spindle = Button(root, text="Spindle",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, bg = 'grey', command = lambda:latchWrite('M3'))
spindle = Button(root, text="Spindle",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:latchWrite('M3'))
coolant = Button(root, text="Coolant",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:latchWrite('M8') )
tool = Button(root, text="Tool",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:latchWrite('M6') )
macro = Button(root, text="Macro1",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(' G90 G0 X10 Y10 Z50 F1000') )
inc1 = Button(root, text="Inc 1%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite('‘'),bg= feed)
inc10 = Button(root,text="Inc 10%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite('“'),bg= feed )
dec1 = Button(root, text="Dec 1%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite('”'),bg= feed )
dec10 = Button(root,text="Dec 10%",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite('’'),bg= feed )
reset = Button(root,text="RESET",width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y,command = lambda:directWrite(''),bg= 'grey' )
step_incr1 = Radiobutton(root, text= '0,1', value = 1 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
step_incr2 = Radiobutton(root, text= '1', value = 2 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
step_incr3 = Radiobutton(root, text= '10', value = 3 , variable = increments,width = buttonsize_x, height = buttonsize_y, indicatoron = 0 )
@ -285,13 +307,13 @@ show_ctrl_x =Label(root, text = "X_POS", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', rel
show_ctrl_y =Label(root, text = "Y_POS", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_z =Label(root, text = "Z_POS", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_x_w =Label(root, text = "X_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN)
show_ctrl_y_w =Label(root, text = "Y_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN)
show_ctrl_z_w =Label(root, text = "Z_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN)
show_ctrl_x_w =Label(root, text = "X_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_y_w =Label(root, text = "Y_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
show_ctrl_z_w =Label(root, text = "Z_POS_W", width = 8, height = 2, bg ='white', relief = SUNKEN, fg= 'black')
threading.Thread(target= displayPosition()).start()
feed_control = Scale(root, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 400, label = "Feedrate",tickinterval = 20)
#feed_control = Scale(root, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 400, label = "Feedrate",tickinterval = 20)
#Milling Area and Gcode preview with grid generation
@ -310,7 +332,6 @@ for x in range(0,400,50):
movement.grid(row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 3, rowspan = 1)
left.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=3, pady=2)
cancel.grid(row=0, column=2, padx=3, pady=2)
right.grid(row=1, column=2,padx=3, pady=2)
up.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=3, pady=10)
down.grid(row=1, column=1,padx=3, pady=2)
@ -336,10 +357,14 @@ show_ctrl_x_w.grid(row=3, column=2,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_y_w.grid(row=4, column=2,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
show_ctrl_z_w.grid(row=5, column=2,padx=0, pady=0, columnspan =1)
zero_x.grid(row=6, column=0,padx=10, pady=10)
zero_y.grid(row=6, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
zero_z.grid(row=6, column=2,padx=10, pady=10)
zero_x.grid(row=3, column=3)
zero_y.grid(row=4, column=3)
zero_z.grid(row=5, column=3)
zero_all.grid(row=6, column=3,padx=10, pady=10)
setzero.grid(row=6, column=0,padx=10, pady=10)
gozero.grid(row=6, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
connect_ser.grid(row=7, column=0,padx=10, pady=10)
discon_ser.grid(row=7, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
unlock.grid(row=8, column=1,padx=10, pady=10)
@ -354,11 +379,19 @@ coolant.grid(row=7, column=5,padx=1, pady=10)
tool.grid(row=7, column=6,padx=1, pady=10)
macro.grid(row=7, column=7,padx=1, pady=10)
dec10.grid(row=8, column=4,padx=1, pady=10)
dec1.grid(row=8, column=5,padx=1, pady=10)
inc1.grid(row=8, column=6,padx=1, pady=10)
inc10.grid(row=8, column=7,padx=1, pady=10)
reset.grid(row=8, column=8,padx=1, pady=10)
terminal.grid(row = 7, column = 8, padx =2, pady =10)
terminal_send.grid(row = 7, column = 9, padx =2, pady =10)
terminal_recv.grid(row = 0, column = 8, padx =10, pady =10,rowspan = 7, columnspan =2)
feed_control.grid(row = 8, column = 4, columnspan =4)
#feed_control.grid(row = 8, column = 4, columnspan =4)
mill_table.grid(row=0, column=4,padx=10, pady=10,columnspan = 4, rowspan = 7)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user