# numpyHDR * Micro Library for HDR image creation using the Mertens Fusion Alghoritm* * Optional Raspicam integration with picamera2 lib * CLI Application "makehdr.py" * Processing time on raspi zero ca 15 min with full res 12MP files. ## Intention - numpy and PIL, picamera2 for Raspicam funtionality. - Whenever dependencies of other bigger image librarys arenĀ“t satisfyable. - 32-bit armv6 or oudated Kernels etc. ## Function *Use makehdr.py CLI app for testing before implementation* - Captures an exposure bracket stack from the raspicam as fast as possible - Alternatively from image sequences form file - Either direct processing or save files in between - Uses a conversion of the Mertens Fusion alghoritm - Stretches Information to the full spectrum like Contrast or compression - Lifts the shadows softly with an envelope. - Clips to Image range and saves via PIL ## Setup - Download and isntall dependencies from requirements.txt into env - ## Usage - Start make Run function sequence() to start processing. Example: `hdr = numpyHDR.NumpyHDR()` `hdr.input_image = photos/EV- stages/` `hdr.compress_quality = 50` `hdr.output_path = photos/result/` `hdr.sequence()` -returns: Nothing (Arrrr)